Monday, June 09, 2014

ecosophy: returning to indigenous reverence for sacred?

"The ancient Greeks were like many indigenous cultures have been, and like some still are, in their recognition of levels—individual, family/household, society, cosmos—as repeating the same patterns and principles as embedded living systems at different scales. As the perennial philosophy has it, ‘As above, so below’—now even becoming part of western science via the fractals and holograms increasingly used by physicists and biologists in describing nature.

Ecosophy can not only unite our separate categories of economics, ecology, finance, politics and governance, but can also unite science and spirituality, and bring human values into the entire human enterprise. In its core focus on wisdom, it must especially draw upon the feminine concerns with well-being, with caring and sharing.."

— Elisabet Sahtouris, evolution biologist and futurist

From Ecosophy: Nature’s Guide to a Better World in Kosmos Journal
— with Meena Thakor.

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