Saturday, June 07, 2014

a no-brainer

If we live in a loving universe, it should be a no brainer to believe that nature has provided us with what we need to be healthy and happy, to have all needs met. Not all wants, but all needs.

It angers me that we have allowed Frankenstein corporations take over human culture in a drive for wealth and power.  Frankenstein corporations invest millions, even billions, in drug research. We, the people, through our governance systems, should be investing millions, and billions if billions are required in understanding how food can heal, how we can heal the rape and damage done to the earth.

Food is the way to health. I am sure of it. Food and an awareness of the goddess-course, or love, or spirit or whatever one chooses to call the supersensible.

Of course the Loving Cosmos has provided for all our needs on this planet. Let's get those needs met with reverence for the sacredness of nature, the way indigenous cultures always have.

I see Western culture very slowly catching up with indigenous cultures.  "New Age" beliefs are basically what indigenous cultures have known for millenia.

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