Saturday, June 07, 2014

apple cidar vinegar: miracle health food


I eat (drink) some apple cidar vinegar daily.

Typically, I add a tablespoon or two apple cider vinegar with water, dash of cayenne, dash of stevia, and some lemon. I drop slices of lemon in my water bottle.  I have come to love this drink.  I only drink water, my custom spice blends of chai with coconut milk and this apple cider vinegar drink.

I dropped coffee. I don't really like coffee without cream. I initially gave up coffee to lose all the cream I was drinking.  I never just used a 'splash' of cream.  I don't like the taste of plain coffee.  However, I have been reading that coffee has several benefits. So I might try coffee again. I could try it with cocomilk, eh?

We'll see about the coffee. In the meantime, I am loving my apple cider vinegar drink.

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