Friday, March 21, 2014

today is special because . . . .

the sun came up
the moon went down
it's warm and sunny
I had a great, healthy breakfast
I feel halfway okay
but then again, I haven't moved much

but the most special part of today is:   my new haircut and blonde hair. I can't wait to blow dry it after my swim.  I am going to bring some spray-ish foam, put a teeny tiny bit in my hair before I dry it so my new bangs won't keep falling in my eyes. I wanted it pretty much exactly how it is now but I don't like hair falling in my eyes.

Today I revisit an aspect of younger selves when I fussed about my hair. I never fussed that much but this new cut truly is my all time favorite one.

If I get the blow dry right, I'll take photos and post the new look on G+, my blog and Facebook, which I don't interact with much anymore. I read frends' posts but rarely write anything there.

Today is special because I am happy.

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