Saturday, March 22, 2014

something different about my farmers market today

It must be the great weather but kids were out in droves. I've been doing my food buying at my Saturday market for several years. I used to ride the bus to the Grand Lake market because prices are lower and I like it's vendor selection a bit more. I hate, however, the bus ride so I stopped going and just have sucked up the fact that the Berkeley Sat market has higher prices than even the market at the Ferry Building in SF, one of SF's most popular spots.

Today, kids, little ones, were literally running under foot. I saw three kids fall when they stumbled on the poorly repaired streets, the kid crying and looking for a parent's sympathy.

Interesting. It has been barely winter, with almost no rain or cold. I guess spring just affects folks. Parents wanted to be outdoors with their kids.

There were two clusters of adorable young people seeking signatures for a petition to raise the minimum wage. When they asked for my name, I said Tree but then I said "You better put me down as Therese, I am registered to vote as Therese, my legal name. I don't want my signature tossed because you used my nickname."  The young men, college age I am sure, were each adorable, at both places. At the second place when I said I had already signed, all the guys, and it was all guys, each thanked me and one asked for a hug. And when I passed the first group on my way back home, they all greeted me with "Hi Tree, thanks again."

these kids were lit within and spreading joy just by being alive on a sunny beautiful day. Happy to be alive.

Now, the outdoors and many hours until sunset. Out to get me more Vitamin D.

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