Wednesday, July 22, 2015


  • Ghosting is the worst possible way to dump someone, it also ranks highly among the most cowardly and dastardly ways to dump someone. Ghosting is when you dump someone simply by never communicating with them again. Ghosting is immature, cruel, and denotes that the dumper is not emotionally mature enough to be in an adult relationship. So, for the ghosted, or the dump-ee, it's a good thing. Your ghoster can't handle adult friendship; if they could, they wouldn't have ghosted you so they did you a favor?
A ghoster could be someone you’ve known since you were 2 years old, or someone you met at a bar. Ghosters come in all shapes and sizes. They have one thing in common, and that is immaturity. Ghosting is rude no matter how long you’ve known the person.
So why does it still hurt?  I was ghosted, without any conversation, and I felt devalued, worthless and I let the ghosting allow me to doubt that I had any value at all.

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