Saturday, September 13, 2014

a magic portal appeared in a lucid dream

I haven't had any lucid dreams for a long time. Back in the eighties and early nineties, I facilitated a lot of five day personal training intensives. That work kept me finely attuned to energies I have not often been in touch with since. During this period of my life, I routinely had lucid dreams, dreams that would come to me in an instant while I was doing something. One second I would be stepping on the first stair up to my living room and by the time my foot came down on the next step, the vision would be over. While the vision was happening, time was different. The vision could seem very long, even hours, but in the illusion of material reality of stepping on stairs, the vision took a moment.

Here's one of my favorites:

I was walking along a dirt road in a hilly area that was the foothills for mountains. I could see the mountains and I believe my intention was to hike to the mountains. No cars. I did not see horse drawn carts. Just me walking. The path I was on had no ruts in the road for carts, by the way. It seemed long, long ago.

I grew weary and became aware I was thirsty.  I was weary of the endless, dusty path for no matter how long I walked, I never seemed to get anywhere.

Suddenly, I saw a tiny shack alongside the path with a very old Asian man standing in the doorway, beckoning me to enter. I knew he could be trusted, by instinct. Or, more accurately put, it did not occur to me to not trust him. I felt so drawn to his beckoning head, his kindly hodding head to encourage me to approach him. I felt safe and happy.

I glanced ahead at the mountains that was my nominal goal. I think I was just wandering, as in life.

When I drew near the man and the door he stood in, he stepped aside, gestured for me to cross the threshold of that door and I was suddenly in a completely different place. Or reality. What is reality anyway.

It was somewhat analogous to storires I heard as a child of the Garden of Eden. Only better, as if that might be possible. It was also similar to the part in the movie, The Wizard of Oz, where the film goes from black and white to color.

Suddenly I was in a spectacularly gorgeous reality. Lush colors. Fruit bearing trees everywhere. Growing food. Happy people.

And I could stay. It seemed like a kind of heaven and I could stay!

As soon as I took one step over the threshold, the shack and the ancient Asian man who had beckoned me in, disappeared. I looked back and he was gone. I knew, without being told, that I had found the path I was supposed to be on and I happily walked down the path. I was so happy.

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