Thursday, January 15, 2015

no failure in golden tunnel

The golden tunnel is my word for those times when I am happy and everything upon which my eyes glance is embued with radiant light.  I love the golden tunnel.

I am casting about for a name for my current experience of happiness. Perhaps I only need to reframe my golden tunnel.  As I grow more calmly equanimous, more mindful, my happiness is calmer, more secure.  I believe having grown deeply mindful about eating might be my most powerful mindfulness practice. It took me several years to truly ground the habit of only eating healthy, nutritious foods.

I wonder why so many humans, at least humans living with easy access to food such as we have here in the good old USA, eat crap. Oh, wait a minute. I know why. We Americans eat crap because we mindlessly let the corporate world tell us to eat crap.

Mindful eating begins at the market, be it a farmers market or a grocery store.  If you don't buy processed food, you can't eat it at home.

I guess what I am getting at is that I am happy.  There are many things I would like to change in my life.  I am not into mindless positivity so I can't allow myself to think that I can change all the things I wish were different in my life. I have learned that I can be happy even when there are things, many things, that I am unhappy about. Am I making any sense?

Dwelling in possibility makes me happy, but so does accepting failure. Failure can shimmer. Who knew?

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