Saturday, August 09, 2014

emergence does not happen all at once

"Emergence never happens all at once. It is a slow stepping into the expanded capacity of your next self. You may need practice at releasing in those places you've grown accustomed to bracing which, like a tight swaddle, was comforting in its limits. But when the time to remain hidden comes to its natural end, you must begin to inhabit your new dimensionality. Breathe into the fullness of your gaining altitude and consider that what presents itself as fear may actually be exhilaration. As your future approaches you, worry less how it may receive you and say a prayer instead for your becoming approachable."

Excerpted from the upcoming book “On Belonging” © Toko-pa Turner 2014

I wrote a post earlier today about defying gravity, being changed at a deep, even cellular level. This quote sorta addresses the same idea. I like Toko-pa's work.

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