Wednesday, January 08, 2014

the universe is made up of stories, not atoms -- muriel rukeyser, poet

Muriel's line inspired a MN friend to write this poem:

The winter is made up of warmth not cold
The body is made up of space not matter
The heart is made up of love not isolation

We are most deeply made
to find the warmth of connection even in the coldest moment
to be in the oneness of space not the solidness of matter
to synchronize our heartbeat with the hearts of others

Sometimes we just forget
in fear or confusion or longing
or in believing stories about separation and loss and lack

So perhaps our greatest work on planet earth in this new year
is to re - member to re - connect to re-live
that we are all one - that we are all connected

Perhaps we can start by listening to each others' stories
So let me begin by asking you to tell me yours
Perhaps the universe is made up of stories not atoms

I wish the few folks who follow me on Blogger and G+ would share some stories with me. I live for stories, and not just my own. I am not an egomaniac.

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