Saturday, January 04, 2014

In a time of universal deceit . . . . . said George Orwell . . .

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."  George Orwell

This seems like a time of universal deceit. Up is down, down is up. Neocons destroy the post office with insane prepayment of pension liabilities for the next 75 years, so the post office sells off National Historic Register buildings built with public funds for peanuts, the real estate company who scored the real estate transactions just happens to be owned by the husband of a Democratic U.S. Senator from California. How much ya wanna bet the post offices get sold for a fraction of what they end up being worth to the men who get to buy them for chump change?  Our commons, sold off.

And once the post office no longer has beautiful buildings and its pension liability is funded for 75 years, they'll sell the whole operation and that corporation will plunder the pension funds, which taxpayers also pretty much all paid for and then they say "privatize the post office" and sell the whole shebang for peanuts to another well connected rich guy.

I could tell the same story over many things, like the private sweetheart deal Obama sold the drug companies in private before selling obamacare to the public or Wall Street and mortgage shysters getting rich while millions lost their homes and life savings and no one has gone to jail. A few gigantic companies pay what amounts to chump change fines.

So what is the truth?

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