Sunday, October 01, 2017

the love ranger

The Love Ranger is a contemporary knight, riding a motorcycle. Say, the Road Warrior rides a motorcycle in the movies of that name. The first Road Warrior movie is the one that penetrated me. As these movies got more Hollywood, I lost interest. When Tina Turner held battles in a Thunderdome, I gave up on the franchise of Road Warriors.

My knight, the Love Ranger, wears protection like knights of old. He wears a kind of armor to protect himself if he has an accident. One is so vulnerable on a motorcycle so wise motorcyclists wear a kind of armor.

My knight seeks the Grail, which is love and community -- not some magical chalice, like many Hollywood movies suggest. The Grail is a community to act as a container for love and self reflection.

And the Golden Tunnel is definitely a Grail light, iluminating and brilliant.

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