Tuesday, October 31, 2017

his first jack-o-lantern

When I was a newlywed, Halloween arrived two months after the wedding. I learned, astounded, even aghast, that my now-ex had never carved a pumpkin. Growing up in a family of six kids, as I did, his dad would buy one pumpkin and the six kids would watch him carve it. My dad always bought a pumpkin for each kid in the family, one for himself and we all carved our own pumpkins together. Then we lined them up on our long mantel in living room, were delighted to light the candles within and sit in the dark and watch our jack-o-lanterns' flickering light dance on the walls of our living room. So, newly wedded, I bought two of the largest pumpkins I could find and my ex got to carve his first-ever Halloween pumpkin. Our wedded bliss never really launched but I was very charmed by his endearing delight as he carved his first-ever Halloween pumpkin, age 30, a lawyer, with the thrilling eager delight of a little kid.

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