Thursday, February 17, 2011

the weather outside is frightful

A fire would be delightful.

It's raining cats and dogs in Berkeley today. And it's freezing.  If I were sitting in my old house in Minneapolis, freezing in that bleak midwinter, I would still be imagining that it is always toasty in Berkeley compared to that climate. Back then, I did not realize how the human body adjusts to climate. When I lived in Minnesota, I could not have imagined freezing in fifty degree weather.

I think I am colder in Northern California than I ever was in the twenty years I lived in the frozen Northland.

Dry, sunny winters in Minneapolis.

When it is damp, the damp seeps into my whole being and I freeze.

Man, it's cold today. And the rain seems to come from all directions. My feet were soaking wet before I had walked one block.

On the upside, I left my building at 10:30, rode a bus to my doctor's, saw the doc and rode back home and was at my machine by 11:40.  Efficiency.

I stripped off all my wet things and dove back under my down. I'm here for the day.

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