I searched up and down my farmers market today for grapefruit. For no good reason, I have not bought any grapefruit this year and now the season is over. Only one vendor had grapefruit, white ones, but I had the urge to ask him if he had any pink ones. He had three, but one, he said, was damaged. I wish, now, that I had suggested he sell that one cheaper.
When I was a kid, sometimes we had grapefruit for breakfast, each kid getting half a one. And, ugh we sprinkled sugar on it, getting the message that the taste of grapefruit was too tart. Nonsense. Esp. pink ones.
So I bought two smallish pink grapefruits and have already enjoyed one. Yum. I peeled the peel and then I spent a lot of time peeling all that white fiber-y stuff that is right on the fruit under the peel. It is a bit of work but the pink, sweet fruit is so tasteful when stripped.
I have missed the whole season. I saw pomelos several weeks and made a note that I would get some but never did. Next year, I'll be all about the grapefruit and pomelos as soon as they arrived.
That being said, I have enjoyed a lot of mandarin oranges this year. One vendor sells several kinds, some for juicing (It never occurred to me to make juice with mandarins, although I never drink any fruit juice -- too much sugar for this diabetic).
I have no longing for oranges, just the sweeter mandarin ones, esp. seedless.
Query: if a mandarin orange is seedless, hasn't that orange been breeded to not have seeds? and does that still count as an organic mandarin orange?
One vendor, just for two weeks in a row, had the easier-to-peel and sweetest perfection mandarins I ever tasted. When those babies appear next year, I will be buying quite a lot of them and store them in the fridge so I can enjoy them for a long time.
I don't remember serving my daughter grapefruits. If I didn't, I regret it. Although, in my defense, she always was very fussy about food, especially breakfast.
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