Wednesday, December 25, 2013

what did you want for Xmas? do you have it now?

Did you have what you wanted all along?

I want company. I want to have fun socializing with people who love me.  I am having dinner this evening with some acquaintances but I wanted more.

When my daughter as young and would want want want things I did not want to give her, I would say "Katie, you have the gimmees." The gimmees was an illness, like the flu.  Saying that to her did not stop the gimmees but I felt better. Now I wonder what her experience was hearing me tell her that.

What did she want for Christmas this year? Did she get it? 

I want love, companionship, intimacy, family, fun, socializing. Love. I want love.

Occasionally, a friend will ask me if there is something I want at Christmastime. I tend to not think of anything I want. I have decided that from now on, if someone asks me if there is anything I want, even though they are offering to buy me a physical gift, I am going to talk about what I want.

I want love, commitment, companionship, sex, emotional and physical intimacy, family, fun, work, recognition. Love. Love sums it up.

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