Friday, December 09, 2011

When it's over, it's over

The principles of Open Space:

Whoever shows up are the right people.
Whatever happens, is the only thing that could or should.
When it starts, it starts.
When it's over, it's over.

I think the principles of Open Space, which were first published by Harrison Owen, although Harrison does not quite claim to have 'discovered' Open Space -- Harrison is too generous and humble to stake such a claim. He recognized that the universe operates in a kind of harmony. The study of physics is giving more and more credence to the principles of self-organization, which are the same as the principles of open space.

If you meditate on these principles, and begin to make all your life choices, moment by moment, in the present, you might begin to see that these principles work as effectively, if not more so, than most religious belief systems. And their simplicity, like all great thinking, are powerful.

All roads lead to open space. All relationships embody the principles of open space.

When a relationship is over, it is over.  Accept it. Love the lost friend or lover but let them go if it's over.  When someone is repeatedly emotionally abusive to me, I tend to hang on. I get 'hooked'. I feel that I have to prove that I don't deserve to be treated like shit but, pathetically, sadly, I keep eating someones abusive shit in a crazy, codependent attempt to get them to, get them to what?  Magically see me? Magically stop seeing their projected imaginations of who I am?

I am a good person. I am trustworthy.  I am loving. Anyone who does not think so is not my friend.

I'm hurting.  I begged the person I am talking about to simply be polite to me. Begged. And this person refused. And the whole time this person was being an asshole, I was blaming myself.

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