Wednesday, December 07, 2011

just around the corner

The lyrics from a song popular during the Depression is singing in my being today:

just around the corner
there is a rainbow in the sky'
so let's have another cup of coffee
and let's have another piece of pie

Someone I have foolishly, blindly, cluelessly and without foundation believed to be my friend has finally treated me so shabbily, with such insulting, humiliating behavior, that even I, clueless codependent moron that I can be, see him for the predatory pig that he is.

It feels pretty good, surprisingly. I'm hurting. I've been emotionally fucked by this man. But at least I am awake to his true nature.  So, there is a rainbow in my sky. Things are looking up.  I feel pretty good to have my blindness come to an end. The reason this relationship has felt awful was cause this asshole was treating me like a piece of shit. . . . and I have practically been begging him to go on doing it.

I'm done, thank goddess. Out. Out. Out.

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