Tuesday, January 01, 2008

starbucks sucks, don't it?

I like to go to Starbucks stores that have comfortable chairs. I know that Starbucks is consuming the urban landscape like PacMan eats those yellow dots. I don't think there should be a Starbucks on every corner. I want mom-and-pop coffeehouses to thrive. I worry about all those paper cups. I worry about growing the human addiction to coffee. If we are all supposed to become localvores, then some of us are gonna have to give up coffee. Starbucks represents much of what is wrong with our culture.

I get that Starbucks sucks. I really do. But my favorite local Starbucks has two plush purple chairs that are nearly always drenched in sunlight. I like to sit there and write.

And Starbucks drip really sucks. I am certain that Starbucks has deliberately chosen to make crappy drip, thereby encouraging folks to buy the more expensive drinks.

I just read a story on salon.com which suggests that Starbucks stores are actually good for small coffeeshops.

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