Thursday, November 24, 2011

weird bloody nose

While sleeping earlier this night, suddenly I became aware of having a very runny nose. At first, asleep, I decided to just sniff hard, assuming the running would stop. But it didn't. For some reason, I put my hand out feeling for a tissue. I'm not sure why. I guess some part of me had seen the napkin that my hand found. I was awake by then. I take the napkin and blow my nose really hard and fall back asleep.

Then I forgot about what had happened.

Several hours later, awake, I became aware that one nostril felt dry, I touched it and a couple dark tiny spots came off on my finger:  dark as in dried blood from a bloody nose.

I know this is a very odd little thing to put on my blog but I am intrigued that while basically asleep, I avoided a gushing bloody nose that would have left blood all over my bedding. When I saw the little black spots, I found the napkin I had used and, sure enough, it was all red.

I had a bloody nose while sleeping and dealt with it, basically asleep.

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