Friday, February 08, 2008

I've lost my mind

I have lost whatever was left of my mind.

My apartment is pitted out. I've been sick about two weeks. I get sloppy when I am sick. When I don't have enough energy to walk across the room to get a drink, a drink I am just about desparate for, well, gosh, I don't stop to put anything away. I drop things in their tracks.

I am interested in food. I don't exactly feel hungry. I am bored. Food is something to do. But my kitchen is all clutter, dirty cups and saucers. It is too much trouble. I have never been able to cook in a messy kitchen. You clean, first, right? I am feeling a mild panic, thinking about all the work that lies between me and food. Even if I wake up tomorrow and declare myself well, gosh, it seems like it will take days for me to tidy up enough to do food prep.

Laundry is not a problem. I have tons of clothes. I can go weeks without doing laundry, esp. since for the past two weeks, I have been wearing the same things for many days in a row.

I have dirty clothes dropped all over the apartment. Cups and saucers all over. Empty water bottles that I tried to drop in the recycle bag and I missed. Tea bag wrappers, kleenex.

I am not a very messy person but right now I am surrounded by two weeks of untidiness.

Yesterday, I was very excited. I had called my doctor and been promised she would phone in a prescription. they told me to wait until 6 p.m. to check with my pharmacy. At 6 p.m. I learned that she had prescribed a cough syrup.

I know that

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