Tuesday, February 26, 2008

back in the swim

Finally, I returned to my local swimming pool. I haven't been swimming in Mountain View for an entire month. I did swim one day last week while I was out of town. I only swam half an hour on Friday. Today, I gutted out forty five minutes. And now, it's 8 p.m. and I am falling asleep.

Gosh, it felt good to resume to my normal routine. I walked to the pool. Then I walked to the grocery store. Then I hopped a bus to the drug store. Then I walked to the post office. And, finally, I took a bus home. If I had walked all of these errands, I would have walked about ten miles. As it is, I walked, maybe, five miles. I am feeling a little guilty. I was inactive long enough that it affected my fitness. Gosh, I am drained.

Still, being out and about today, doing dull, ordinary things, well, I felt like me again.

It helps that it is sunny again. My tan had faded. This evening, my skin has that sun-kissed feeling, the very sleight burn of fair skin out in the sun a smidge too long. It is, generally, a good feeling.

I was going to try and push myself to do an hour but after twenty laps, I had a bad headache.

This is such a boring post. I have heard from a few friends who became aware that I had been way sick. I love it when people who care about me inquire about my wellbeing.

I took a nap today. It's only 8 p.m. I am going to bed right now.

On the mend. It feels great.

One more thing: it is fun to be hailed by my swim buddies. Everyone had heard I had been sick. I love having people care about me. Pete doesn't swim on Tuesdays but I ran into him at Whole Foods. It is a sign that I am knitting myself into a community when I run into people I know at the grocery store. I had strong urges to give Pete and hug, even to kiss him chastely. . . but I didn't. I write a good game but I am shy. Pete said that he had heard I was sick, that he had worried about me. And then he said 'how do you feel, you look like you don't feel so great'. I

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